Greg Tingle on Search Engine Journal's:
The idea has very solid merit in my view (opinion). The issues can come up when on a more increasing basis over the years the news, therefore the digital/online news has a more political and "left" or "right" slant to it. Look no further for an example than CNN not doing a balanced story on that laptop, or in the eco sector you have the eco scientists who state that climate change is real, and the other mob who state it is not real. So, what does one believe? Even when the world's experts in the same field can't agree. This sort of scenario can trickle into the fact check and news media sector, with or without the ripple effect of social media channels..So again, great idea and but knowledge, truth and facts is still based on opinion and one's perception of the world and one's ability to process the information. Then you have what is known as "legally tested", as in when evidence, facts and opinion is trialed in the legal system, and even then you can get a different result each time. It's also akin to The Matrix. Even Google got questioned etc by the European government, so as you can see it's quite the Pandora's Box and Rabbit Hole one you commence digging. Fortunately the vast majority find Search Engine Journal a most trustworthy and ethical source, so that's part of the foundation to start your research from. Now research Einstein's and Tesla's thoughts and quote of facts. This is big!